Sunday, October 12, 2008

2nd increment on the yardstick

What comes next after health? Security! Security means a lot of things - having a roof over your head, having a place to sleep, having something to sleep in (clothes, pjs, etc), having the money to afford all this, knowing that the place you sleep is not subject to warfare (between nationstates, terrorists or gangs), etc.

To put it another way, you gotta have a place to call home and the means to ensure that you can keep your home - "yours". It's not a cage, it's a place of comfort. This applies though to your job as well unless you have a money tree (trust fund, other source of personal wealth that won't go away). Knowing that your job is yours and that you are in a position to keep it - this is a big source of security. You may be at the end of your rope with your friends, your family, your coworkers, etc - but as long as your job, your home and your personal safety are doing alright - you can get by. This by no means however is intended to imply that huge amounts of happiness immediately follow on the heals of being "secure". It just forms part of the base that enables you to branch out and reach further toward the happiness that all of us would like to reach.

No 2 - Security...

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