Friday, September 26, 2008

The Golden Green Rule

We all know what the "Golden Rule" is right? It says that we should treat all people with consideration or respect.

I'm not really satisfied with this...the rule that I want to live by is the Golden Green Rule - and what this means is that we should treat the world in which we live and all of it's occupants whether flora, fauna or hybrid, whether landmass or ocean, whether animate or inanimate - with consideration and respect.

This doesn't mean we aren't omnivorous and it doesn't mean that we don't enjoy certain advantages as the dominant species, it just means that we should always apply the golden rule to all of Gaia, not just humanity.

Think of it as respecting and considering humanity by respecting and considering the planet that supports us. :)

Founder of the Golden Green Rule -
John-Michael Scott

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